Harps from God

Our journey through Revelation continues into chapter 15 this month where John describes his vision of heaven in vv. 1-4. The chapter opens with reference to the completion of God’s wrath against evil (v. 1). There is much to celebrate in what he outlines in v. 2, 


Revelation 15:2 (CSB)  

2 I also saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who had won the victory over the beast, its image, and the number of its name, were standing on the sea of glass with harps from God.  

In Revelation “the sea” is a symbolic location of evil and “fire” represents judgement of the wicked. This verse draws imagery from Daniel 7 where four evil beasts are seen rising from the sea. Here the “sea of glass mixed with fire” is the place where the Lamb has judged the beast. 

 The judgment of evil offers victory for the believer as we read “those who had won their victory over the beast…were standing on the sea of glass with harps from God.” Notice the Lamb (Christ) gained victory over evil (the Beast), and the benefit is offered to those who believe (had won). The believers are worshiping God in heaven with harps and singing the song of Moses (Rev. 15:3-4; Exod. 15). 

 In the place where evil, defeat, and suffering (the sea) was once located is now the home of victory in Christ. John offers you the assurance of a battle God has already fought for your benefit, with your salvation as his reward. Life change in Christ is available to you in your present circumstance and in your present surroundings. Our recovery ministry is dedicated to faithful service to, and witness of, victory such as this. 


The Tabernacle of Testimony


An Infinite and Eternal Relationship