The Multitude

Revelation 7 opens with John’s cosmic vision of heaven where angels are holding back the four corners of the earth and restraining the winds (v. 1). The passage leads to the description of the “multitude” of people in heaven (v. 4-8). A perfect number of people are in this heavenly multitude. We know it is perfect by John’s use of symbolic language. 12 is a number of perfection and there are 12 tribes from ancient Israel each contributing 12,000 souls to the heavenly multitude.

Every nation, tribe, people, and language is represented in the countless multitude “standing before the throne and the Lamb.” (v. 9).

Revelation 7:9b–10 (CSB)

9b They were clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands. 10 And they cried out in a loud voice: Salvation belongs to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!


Now that you have found recovery, are you part of this worship? That is, are you saved into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ that will eventually place you in front of the Lamb? The only limitation placed on the multitude is being a Christian. Our program of recovery addresses this relationship, in community, through the Scriptures.

Principle 2 reads: Earnestly believe God exists, that I matter to Him and he has the power to help me recover.

Our ministry is available to serve you,



The Seventh Seal


Seek first the kingdom of God