Open Share Groups
Newcomers 101 - Room W-101
If this is your first time attending Celebrate Recovery, we invite you to attend our Newcomers 101 class.
Our leaders will go over all the guidelines and answer any questions you may have about the program.
Men’s Chemical Dependency
Room W- 109
If you find you cannot quit drinking or using drugs entirely, or if you have little control over the amount you consume, you are probably an alcoholic and/or an addict. If that is the case, you may be suffering from a problem which only a spiritual solution will conquer.
Men’s Mixed Issues
Room W - 102
A hurt, habit or hang-up is anything that hinders your walk with God. Hurts – Are an emotional reaction to another person’s behavior or to a disturbing situation such as abuse, abandonment, codependency, divorce or relationship issues.
Habits – Is an addiction to someone or something; alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, shopping and smoking. Hang-ups – Is a negative mental attitude that is used to cope with people or adversity including anger, depression, fear and unforgiveness.
Men’s Sexual Addictions
W - 200 & W - 203
Our sexual addiction issue began as an overpowering desire for pleasurable relief. We were running from an inner pain, loneliness, emptiness, or insecurity that we could not cope with in any other way. At first, it did provide the relief we sought. For a time, lust, pornography, or sex with ourselves or with others dissolved the tension. It relieved the depression, resolved the conflict, and provided the means to deal with or escape from life’s seemingly unbearable situations. Eventually, our search for relief became an addiction, and the addiction took on a life of its own. We gradually replaced pleasure and relief with tension, depression, rage, guilt, and even physical distress. To relieve this new pain, we resorted to more sex, pornography, and lust, losing more control in the process. We were driven to spend more time thinking about and carrying out our addiction. We lived in denial to avoid recognizing just how much our addiction controlled our life. Finally, we risked our relationships, jobs, ethics, and values, and even neglected our children. All the while, we rationalized our sexual behaviors. We asked ourselves, “What will a little fantasy hurt?” or “What they don’t know, won’t hurt them.” As we lived a double life, we became disconnected from reality making true intimacy with another impossible. We carried this behavior from relationship to relationship and even into our marriages.
Women’s Co-Dependency
W - 105
We are codependent because we allow the behavior of another person to effect our behavior so that we become consumed with that person and their problems. This obsession with the issues and problems of others becomes debilitating to us as we exhaust inordinate and inappropriate amounts of mental and emotional energy over them, leaving little, if any, energy for ourselves
Women’s Mixed Issues
W - 107
A hurt, habit or hang-up is anything that hinders your walk with God. Hurts – Are an emotional reaction to another person’s behavior or to a disturbing situation such as abuse, abandonment, codependency, divorce or relationship issues.
Habits – Is an addiction to someone or something; alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, shopping and smoking. Hang-ups – Is a negative mental attitude that is used to cope with people or adversity including anger, depression, fear and unforgiveness.