The Need for Recovery

Last month Rev 12 presented the power of testimony. If you have any doubt watch the February 28 Triumph video here: (Triumph XI )The accuser is stripped of power in the face of testimony. John presses this theme to application this month as we look at Rev 13.

Some important symbols in chapter 13 are “the beast,” “42,” “the mark,” and “666.”

v. 1 and 2 the “beast” enters John’s vision. Every generation has a “beast” and a case for this is the present status of the Ukraine conflict. The “beast” with “ten horns and seven heads” is attempting to look like and replace Jesus in the lives of the people following the beast. Notice his resource for power and authority, the Dragon.

Revelation 13:4–5 (CSB)

4 They worshiped the dragon because he gave authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to wage war against it?” 5 The beast was given a mouth to utter boasts and blasphemies. It was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.

Other notables include, v. 5 the number forty-two is a reference to the church age, the resurrection of Christ to the second coming, v. 16 reference to “the mark,” and v. 18 the number “666” is known to be the number of man.

How a person thinks and how they act leaves a “mark” (v. 16) and that mark tells the world if that person is for Christ or for “the beast.” We are imperfect people filled with hurts, habits, and hang-ups and the number of man 666, which stands for “short of perfect times three,” helps us to understand we are not alone in our struggle. The effort in recovery is not to become perfect, but to realize through our imperfection the need for recovery in community.


An Infinite and Eternal Relationship


Triumph: A Testimony Series